Invitations and RSVP's will be sent out in early September, for now please just save the date!

​​​​​​​Please use the below forms to nominate either yourself or a student for a Marsden Sport Award for 2024. All criteria are noted on the forms and below. Please ensure you read these carefully before making any nominations, and please provide as much detail as possible. Information on these forms will also be used to nominate students for the College Sport Wellington Awards.

Sporting achievements between the period of 17 September 2023 and 17 September 2024 can be considered towards the 2024 Awards. Additional achievements after the close off date and prior to the Awards can be added if a nomination has already been received.  

School Colours, Junior Colours, Service Colours, Long Term Commitment Nomination Form

Coach & Volunteer of the Year Nomination Form

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Nominations close 17th September 2024 11.59pm

NB: All Major Awards are decided by the school and management of each respective sport, so there are no nomination forms for these awards.


Staff and students are invited to nominate any coach associated with sport/s whom they believe through personal commitment, coaching ability, rapport with students and possibly (but not necessarily) results during the period September 17th 2023 and 17th September 2024, is worthy of such recognition. This may be the coach of an individual or team at any level and preferably, but not necessarily, hold official coaching credentials in a particular code or a generic coaching certificate.


Staff and students are invited to nominate a person or persons who, over a period of time as a volunteer, have made a significant contribution to sport at Marsden. This contribution may have been in any role – coach, manager, administrator, mentor, etc. It may be a teacher, parent or person from the community. The basis of the nomination should be the time and commitment contributed by the person, along with outcomes achieved. Nominations can be over a long or short period of time.

2024 MAJOR AWARDS AND CUPS​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Carr-Smith Cup: Rowing

Fran Hesp Coxswin’s Trophy: Rowing

Marsden Rower of the Year : Rowing

Emma Humphries Cup: Football     

Jackson Cup for Contributions to Hockey: Hockey

Proctor Cup: Hockey

Netball Club Cup: Netball

Senior A MVP: Netball

Miller Cup: Water Polo

Russell Simmonds Cup: Skiing

Catherine Graham Cup: Handball

Tamara Warmerdam Cup: Volleyball

Parent's Association Cup for Contribution to Junior Sport: All students eligible

Coach of the Year:  All code coaches eligible

Volunteer of the Year: All code coaches eligible

Team of the Year: All codes eligible

Official of the Year: All codes eligible

All-Rounder of the Year: All students eligible

Weston Cup: Sports Woman of the Year

NB: All Major Awards are decided by the school and management of each respective sport, so there are no nomination forms for these awards.


Have you achieved a high standard in sport this year? Have you been coaching or umpiring for a few years? You may be eligbile for a Sports Award!

  • The criteria of each of the awards are given below so have a look and see if you are eligible for a Marsden sports award.
  • We encourage self-nominations as you are the person who knows your achievements best. 
  • If you are not sure which award you should apply for please discuss your achievements with Courtney Young or Jessica Gill.
  • After nominations have been received, a committee meets to determine the final recipients.
  • Final decisions on the awards of Sports Colours will be made by the Colours Committee consisting of representatives from the Senior Management Team, Sports Department, and Head of PE and Health as appropriate.  Student Heads of Sport may be invited to attend for part of the meeting.
  • Achievements gained by a student can only be used for either Sports Colours or Service Colours for Service to Sport – not both. However, students may be awarded both Sports Colours and Service Colours if they meet the criteria for both.
  • To receive awards, students must be a current student at the school at the time of the presentation of the awards.


  • Sports Colours will be awarded to individuals who have shown a high level of achievement in a particular sport. This is the highest honour available in sporting activities at Marsden School.
  • Awards are for individuals, but team or group success may be recognised towards sports colours.
  • Students must have represented Marsden School as a member of the top team or group in their sport or activity during the current year if the sport or activity is offered by the School.
  • There must be evidence of commitment, discipline, and hard work. The student must be a good role model to other students within their sport or activity and the wider Marsden community and, in sport, must display characteristics of sportsmanship and fair play.
  • This award acknowledges students who have been selected for the top provincial, regional or national representative team as defined by the governing regional secondary school sports body. Qualifying for team selection will normally be:
    • Under 15, Under 17, Under 18 or open age group.
  • Non-travelling reserves, tournament teams, or ‘B’ squads are also eligible for this award. National development squads may be considered in special circumstances – such as where the national sports body does not select a team in this age group but runs a development programme or where the national team does not compete.
  • If a student has come in the top 3 at a National competition in an event they may also be eligible for this award. 


  • Any year 13 student who has been part of a school top team for 3 years+ continuously including her year 13 year. This award recognises long term commitment to a sport. For example, a 1st XI Football member in Year 11,12 and 13.


  • Service Colours are awarded to students who have made an outstanding contribution to the sports.
  • It is, expected that the student will have been involved in the sport throughout their time at the school. Service may be accumulated over one or more years but the contribution cannot be counted again if it has already been used as evidence towards Service Colours in the previous year.  
  • There are many opportunities for service, including but not limited to: coaching or directing a student group, making a significant contribution to a sport or group as a Student Head of that group, umpiring or officiating beyond the requirements of the league or group, assisting or organising trials or other related activities, arranging specific events which help to lift the profile of the sport or activity within the school.


  • Honours Bars are awarded to any student in years 7 – 13 who wins a national title or is selected to represent New Zealand in an open, age group, or development team/group which competes in an event or represents New Zealand.  Selection in an NZ Squad that does not actually play a fixture or perform may not earn an honours bar.