Weekly Sport Round Up

Badminton - Junior 6

Written by Joelle 

This year, our social badminton team is made up of players who have never played badminton. Not only had we not played a match before, but we didn’t even realise that there were doubles in badminton and a couple of us had never held a racket before! So looking at how we started compared to how we are now, as a person on the year 9 social badminton team, we have come a long way. Marsden badminton has brought our team together and now every Thursday we are so excited to try our best and improve ourselves.



Junior A Basketball

Written by Ruby

On Tuesday the 25th, we played Wellington East Girls College in the 4th round of competition.  WEGC are currently top of the table, so we knew it would be a good game. Our team started off strong taking the first quarter, 12-11. Second quarter we kept up the fight, putting our defensive skills to the test by stopping and stealing many balls but down by 11 points. After a half time talk from Coach Pip, we won the third quarter, only 3 points behind WEGC and we were excited to get into the last quarter.  Sadly though WEGC put the afterburners on and took the win, despite that, the whole team played incredibly well, showing our skills under pressure improving and we should all be proud. Until next time!


Junior A Netball

Written by Maddi and Lucy

These last couple games have been quite challenging for us, we were quite unlucky not to draw or win a few, losing by 1 in two of our recent games. Luckily before we went to pent we secured the win over Scots which helped us get in that winning mindset. During pent we were grateful to have Paige playing with us who was great cover for Ruby as she couldn’t come. Overall these past few weeks have been tough, but we are learning to play very well together as a team and hopefully we can secure a win this weekend. GG



Article added: Tuesday 02 July 2024


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